4 Reasons To Hire An Independent Communications Consultant In 2018

If it’s management, development or creative skills your business needs, you can rely on the expertise of a consultant. Hiring an independent communications consultant is an affordable and effective way to manage your communications activities. Independent consultants work in several capacities and can help to execute an end-to-end communications initiative or boost your in-house capacity. Here are some ways you can benefit from hiring a communications consultant in 2018.

1. A fresh approach

Independent communications consultants operate in various ways; sometimes they work with one or two big clients on long-term contracts, and in other scenarios they will take on several clients at a time. As such, consultants are constantly exposed to new business challenges and accrue many opportunities to flex their strategic muscle along the way. Diverse work experiences instil in the consultant broad knowledge and a unique way of looking at things that your business can benefit from. A fresh set of eyes can help you identify new opportunities to tell your brand story and optimise your messages.

2. Motivation and reputation

Competition between independent contractors generates all the motivation needed to ensure clients receive a high-quality service. The market is teeming with consultants and freelancers; therefore, communications consultants must work hard to set themselves apart and build a good reputation in specialist niches such as public relations and content marketing. This is achieved by knuckling down and going the extra mile for clients.

3. Flexibility

Most small to medium businesses have neither the budget nor the need to accommodate a full time communications specialist. Through outsourcing, you can keep costs down yet still reap the benefits of taking control of what and where you choose to communicate. While you’re free to lean on a consultant as and when you require the service, often there is merit in maintaining your communications presence by cultivating a working relationship with a professional that adds value from outside your business.

4. An undiluted service

Unlike agencies, consultants are one-man bands which means you as a client benefit from a personalised service and a close working relationship with whoever you hire. Usually, the person you have a meeting with is the same person involved in the execution of the work; this dynamic ensures consultants are solely accountable for keeping clients satisfied which means rarely will you fail to see a good return on your communications consulting budget.

A seasoned marketing and communications specialist, Russell Jarvis started his own consultancy
in 2017 after eight years at online travel and FinTech companies. He is based in Cape Town. Contact Russell.